
This file is part of "ResPOnsE COVID-19. Cumulative file: Wave 1 to Wave 4 (Italian version)".

Version 1.2
File Citation
Cristiano Vezzoni; Antonio M Chiesi; Ferruccio Biolcati; Giulia M Dotti-Sani; Simona Guglielmi; Riccardo Ladini; Nicola Maggini; Marco Maraffi; Francesco Molteni; Andrea Pedrazzani; Paolo Segatti; Marta Moroni; Francesco Piacentini, 2022, "v1.0_ResPOnsE_COVID_19_variablesXwave.tab", ResPOnsE COVID-19. Cumulative file: Wave 1 to Wave 4 (Italian version), https://doi.org/10.13130/RD_UNIMI/FF0ABQ/WA1VXF, UNIMI Dataverse, V1, UNF:6:dr1TpJlphFjrmzrQ6b4EYA== [fileUNF]
Dataset Citation
Cristiano Vezzoni; Antonio M Chiesi; Ferruccio Biolcati; Giulia M Dotti-Sani; Simona Guglielmi; Riccardo Ladini; Nicola Maggini; Marco Maraffi; Francesco Molteni; Andrea Pedrazzani; Paolo Segatti; Marta Moroni; Francesco Piacentini, 2022, "ResPOnsE COVID-19. Cumulative file: Wave 1 to Wave 4 (Italian version)", https://doi.org/10.13130/RD_UNIMI/FF0ABQ, UNIMI Dataverse, V1, UNF:6:S7LnmW2l7FC6WmzKi9fjVg== [fileUNF]
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Our Community Norms as well as good scientific practices expect that proper credit is given via citation. Please use the data citation shown on the dataset page.

Custom Dataset Terms — the following Custom Dataset Terms have been defined for this dataset.

This dataset is made available under a Creative Commons CC0 license with the following additional/modified terms and conditions:
The ResPOnsE COVID-19 data are available without restrictions, for not-for-profit purposes.

The ResPOnsE COVID-19 data should not be shared with other users or made available on external websites. If a dataset is modified in any way, including translation changes, this should be indicated in the citation: ‘Adapted from ResPOnsE COVID-19, release number X’.

Users agree to refrain from and is prohibited from any and all action aimed at, or capable of, disclosure of any pseudonymized/anonymized statistical information included in the data. Combining the data to which rights have been granted with other data for the purpose of identifying respondents is strictly forbidden. The user agrees to comply with the regulations of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and assures that no third party has access to the data by using appropriate technical and organizational precautions.

It is only permitted to publish data in a summarized manner as is common for scientific papers and presentations. The presentation or publication of single cases is not permitted, even if no direct connection to any real person is made.

The data may not be transferred to any third party outside the aforementioned research project. The applicant agrees to cite and credit all material used in accordance with scientific practice. The current citation rules are provided below.
Correctly referencing the use of data from the ResPOnsE COVID-19 project is important for the research community and for demonstrating the scientific value of such a large-scale study.

Therefore, we kindly request you to follow these citation rules in your publications.

Refer to the study and the data version by including the following (or a similar) phrase in your text:

"Analyses are based on data from the ResPOnsE COVID-19 dataset (2022, version number ...). A detailed description of the study can be found in Vezzoni et al. (2020) and Biolcati et al. (2021)."

Add the respective bibliographic details to your list of references:

Cristiano Vezzoni; Antonio M Chiesi; Ferruccio Biolcati; Giulia M Dotti-Sani; Simona Guglielmi; Riccardo Ladini; Nicola Maggini; Marco Maraffi; Francesco Molteni; Andrea Pedrazzani; Paolo Segatti; Marta Moroni; Francesco Piacentini, 2022, "ResPOnsE COVID-19. Cumulative file: Wave 1 to Wave 4", https://doi.org/10.13130/RD_UNIMI/FF0ABQ, UNIMI Dataverse, VERSION 1.

Vezzoni, C., Ladini, R., Molteni, F., Dotti Sani, G. M., Biolcati, F., Chiesi, A., Maraffi, M., Guglielmi, S., Pedrazzani, A., & Segatti, P. (2020). Investigating the social, economic and political consequences of Covid-19: A rolling cross-section approach. Survey Research Methods, 14(2), 187-194. DOI:10.18148/srm/2020.v14i2.7745

Biolcati, F., Vezzoni, C., Ladini, R., Chiesi, A.M., Dotti Sani, G.M., Guglielmi, S., Maggini, N., Maraffi, M., Molteni, F., Pedrazzani, A., Segatti, P. (2021), Come monitorare la risposta dell’opinione pubblica a eventi imprevisti? Il progetto ResPOnsE COVID-19, Polis, 35(1): 165-178. DOI: 10.1424/100292.

The text should also include an acknowledgment like this one:

The ResPOnsE COVID-19 project is funded by MUR «Dipartimenti di eccellenza 2018-2022» and by Fondazione Cariplo (grant number CAR_EXT21ACHIE_01).
When publishing articles, books, book chapters, or other scientific output using ResPOnsE COVID-19 data, authors are required to provide the citation of the published work to the distributor.
The user agrees that all of the aforementioned terms and conditions apply to all other data users who gained access to the data.
The spsTREND lab and the producers of the ResPOnsE COVID-19 dataset bear no responsibility for the uses of the ResPOnsE COVID-19 data, or for interpretations or inferences based on these uses.

The data recipient is liable for all damages arising from actions not in accordance with this agreement, improper or incorrect handling in the context of access to the data made available via the data recipient and releases the spsTREND lab from any and all claims of liability or damages from third parties.

The spsTREND lab commits itself to carry out the data preparation, pseudonymization and anonymization, and provision of the ResPOnsE COVID-19 data with common and adequate care, without assuming any guarantee for the faultless condition of the data set. Users may contact the distributor to suggest corrections and amendments.

The spsTREND lab and the producers of the ResPOnsE COVID-19 dataset bear no responsibility for indirect, consequential or incidental damages or losses arising from the use of the data collection, or from the unavailability of, or break in access to the service for whatever reason.
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This dataset is made available under the following terms. Please confirm and/or complete the information needed below in order to continue.

Our Community Norms as well as good scientific practices expect that proper credit is given via citation. Please use the data citation shown on the dataset page.

Custom Dataset Terms — the following Custom Dataset Terms have been defined for this dataset.

This dataset is made available under a Creative Commons CC0 license with the following additional/modified terms and conditions:
The ResPOnsE COVID-19 data are available without restrictions, for not-for-profit purposes.

The ResPOnsE COVID-19 data should not be shared with other users or made available on external websites. If a dataset is modified in any way, including translation changes, this should be indicated in the citation: ‘Adapted from ResPOnsE COVID-19, release number X’.

Users agree to refrain from and is prohibited from any and all action aimed at, or capable of, disclosure of any pseudonymized/anonymized statistical information included in the data. Combining the data to which rights have been granted with other data for the purpose of identifying respondents is strictly forbidden. The user agrees to comply with the regulations of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and assures that no third party has access to the data by using appropriate technical and organizational precautions.

It is only permitted to publish data in a summarized manner as is common for scientific papers and presentations. The presentation or publication of single cases is not permitted, even if no direct connection to any real person is made.

The data may not be transferred to any third party outside the aforementioned research project. The applicant agrees to cite and credit all material used in accordance with scientific practice. The current citation rules are provided below.
Correctly referencing the use of data from the ResPOnsE COVID-19 project is important for the research community and for demonstrating the scientific value of such a large-scale study.

Therefore, we kindly request you to follow these citation rules in your publications.

Refer to the study and the data version by including the following (or a similar) phrase in your text:

"Analyses are based on data from the ResPOnsE COVID-19 dataset (2022, version number ...). A detailed description of the study can be found in Vezzoni et al. (2020) and Biolcati et al. (2021)."

Add the respective bibliographic details to your list of references:

Cristiano Vezzoni; Antonio M Chiesi; Ferruccio Biolcati; Giulia M Dotti-Sani; Simona Guglielmi; Riccardo Ladini; Nicola Maggini; Marco Maraffi; Francesco Molteni; Andrea Pedrazzani; Paolo Segatti; Marta Moroni; Francesco Piacentini, 2022, "ResPOnsE COVID-19. Cumulative file: Wave 1 to Wave 4", https://doi.org/10.13130/RD_UNIMI/FF0ABQ, UNIMI Dataverse, VERSION 1.

Vezzoni, C., Ladini, R., Molteni, F., Dotti Sani, G. M., Biolcati, F., Chiesi, A., Maraffi, M., Guglielmi, S., Pedrazzani, A., & Segatti, P. (2020). Investigating the social, economic and political consequences of Covid-19: A rolling cross-section approach. Survey Research Methods, 14(2), 187-194. DOI:10.18148/srm/2020.v14i2.7745

Biolcati, F., Vezzoni, C., Ladini, R., Chiesi, A.M., Dotti Sani, G.M., Guglielmi, S., Maggini, N., Maraffi, M., Molteni, F., Pedrazzani, A., Segatti, P. (2021), Come monitorare la risposta dell’opinione pubblica a eventi imprevisti? Il progetto ResPOnsE COVID-19, Polis, 35(1): 165-178. DOI: 10.1424/100292.

The text should also include an acknowledgment like this one:

The ResPOnsE COVID-19 project is funded by MUR «Dipartimenti di eccellenza 2018-2022» and by Fondazione Cariplo (grant number CAR_EXT21ACHIE_01).
When publishing articles, books, book chapters, or other scientific output using ResPOnsE COVID-19 data, authors are required to provide the citation of the published work to the distributor.
The user agrees that all of the aforementioned terms and conditions apply to all other data users who gained access to the data.
The spsTREND lab and the producers of the ResPOnsE COVID-19 dataset bear no responsibility for the uses of the ResPOnsE COVID-19 data, or for interpretations or inferences based on these uses.

The data recipient is liable for all damages arising from actions not in accordance with this agreement, improper or incorrect handling in the context of access to the data made available via the data recipient and releases the spsTREND lab from any and all claims of liability or damages from third parties.

The spsTREND lab commits itself to carry out the data preparation, pseudonymization and anonymization, and provision of the ResPOnsE COVID-19 data with common and adequate care, without assuming any guarantee for the faultless condition of the data set. Users may contact the distributor to suggest corrections and amendments.

The spsTREND lab and the producers of the ResPOnsE COVID-19 dataset bear no responsibility for indirect, consequential or incidental damages or losses arising from the use of the data collection, or from the unavailability of, or break in access to the service for whatever reason.
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